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Crystal Safety 101

Crystal Safety 101 - understanding toxic trace minerals and minimizing risk for exposure.

Crystals have been safely used in healing for thousands of years. Whether you're just discovering them now or already a fan, it's important to know about crystal safety and understanding toxic trace minerals.

Pretty can still be deadly. Just because a crystal looks beautiful doesn't mean it's safe to handle or be used in all crystal healing applications.

With so many crystals and stones now more widely available let's dive into the topic of crystal safety.

Firstly, whenever you're working with a crystal for the first time, research it because some crystals have toxic trace minerals within their structure. I've compiled a handy list below - bookmark this page and refer back whenever you need a refresher.

Secondly, it's good practice to cleanse crystals when they come into your possession. Think about it - a crystal has a long journey getting from discovery to you, often passing through many hands.

As someone who trawls around large repositories of crystals searching for the best inventory for Soulmate Crystals, I can tell you my hands get quite dirty doing this!

Whenever possible I will carefully clean and always cleanse crystals whether they're for personal use or for the store. I also wash my hands before and after handling them and the latter is a must when handling raw crystals and toxic minerals.

Generally speaking, certain common crystals may include Aluminium, Copper, Sulphur, Zinc and in worst cases highly toxic minerals usually found in less popular crystals; Arsenic, Asbestos, Lead, Mercury.

If you're making crystal elixirs always exercise caution and stick with stones you've researched. Never make a crystal elixir with highly toxic minerals. Choose the indirect method when making elixirs with crystals of lower toxicity and ensure you're working with tumbled stones.

Also, dust and fibers from raw crystals should never be inhaled or ingested.

Now, even though I've done a lot of study into crystal healing over the years I'm always cautious about what crystals I use in my own practice. Those super potent crystals that are also super deadly - not of interest to me. They might look pretty but I'd rather keep a pin on my Pinterest page to enjoy looking at versus having it in my sacred space.

Equally, when you're shopping around looking for crystals be sure to research the minerals you're considering bringing into your environment.

I was genuinely shocked to see an online crystal seller casually say avoid over-handling raw Torbernite. Well, if being exposed to a highly radioactive and one of the most deadliest minerals is your jam then only you can make that decision. Just keep in mind your long-term health and those who may share your environment who could also be potentially exposed. Is it worth the risk?

I hope this article has given you some insight into the topic of crystal safety. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Crystal blessings,



Crystals with Toxic Trace Minerals

Actinolite (Asbestos)

Adamite (Arsenic, Copper)

Ajoite (Aluminium, Copper)

Alexandrite (Aluminium)

Amazonite (Copper)

Amphibolite (Asbestos)

Anglesite (Lead Sulphite)

Aquamarine (Aluminium)

Arsenopyrite (Iron Arsenic Sulphide)

Asbestos Chrysotile (Asbestos)

Atacamite (Copper)

Auricalcite (Copper, Zinc)

Azurite (Copper)

Azurite Malachite (Copper)

Azurite Malachite Chrysocolla / Eilat Stone (Copper)

Beryl Types: Aquamarine, Bixbite, Emerald, Goshenite, Heliodor, Morganite (Aluminium)

Black Tourmaline (Aluminium)

Boji Stones / Moqui Balls (Marcasite, Pyrite, Sulphur)

Bronchantite (Copper)

Cavansite (Copper)

Celestite (Strontium)

Cerussite (Lead)

Chalcanthite (Copper, Sulphur)

Chalcopyrite / Peacock Ore (Copper, Sulphur)

Chrysocolla (Copper)

Cinnabar (Mercury Sulfide)

Coloradoite (Mercury, Tellurium)

Conicalcite (Copper)

Copper (Can be poisonous depending on quantity)

Covellite (Copper, Sulphur)

Crocoite (Lead)

Cuprite (Copper)

Dioptase (Copper)

Dumortierite (Aluminium)

Eclipse Stone (Limestone, Orpiment)

Emerald (Aluminium)

Erythrite (Arsenic)

Fluorite (Fluorine)

Galena (Lead)

Garnet Types: Almandine, Hessonite, Rhodolite, Spessartine, Uvarovite (Aluminium)

Garnierite / Falcondoite (Nickel)

Gaspeite (Nickel)

Gem Silica (Copper)

Hutchinsonite (Arsenic, Lead, Thallium)

Iolite (Aluminium)

Kunzite (Aluminium)

Labradorite (Aluminium)

Lapis Lazuli (Pyrite)

Lemon Chrysoprase (Nickel Magnesite)

Lepidolite (Aluminium)

Limonite (Copper)

Malachite (Copper)

Marcasite (Sulphur)

Millerite (Nickel Sulphide)

Mohawkite (Arsenic, Copper)

Moldavite (Aluminium Oxide)

Moonstone (Aluminium)

Morganite (Aluminium)

Olivenite (Copper Arsenate)

Orpiment (Arsenic, Sulphur)

Pietersite (Asbestos in fibrous form)

Prehnite (Aluminium)

Psiomelan (Barium)

Pyrite (Sulphur)

Realgar (Arsenic, Sulphur)

Ruby (Aluminium)

Sapphire (Aluminium)

Serpentine (Asbestos in fibrous form)

Scorodite (Hydrated Iron Arsenate)

Smithsonite (Copper)

Sodalite (Aluminium)

Spinel (Aluminium)

Spodumene / Kunzite (Aluminium)

Staurolite (Aluminium)

Stibnite (Antimony aka Kohl, Lead)

Stilbite (Aluminium)

Sugilite (Aluminium)

Sulphur (Poisonous)

Sunstone (Aluminium)

Tanzanite (Aluminium)

Topaz (Aluminium)

Torbernite (Uranium)

Tourmaline (Aluminium)

Tremolite (Asbestos)

Turquoise (Aluminium, Copper)

Vanadinite (Vanadium)

Variscite (Aluminium)

Vesuvianite (Aluminium)

Wavellite (Aluminium)

Wulfenite (Lead, Molybdenum)

Zircon (Zirconium)

Zoisite (Aluminium)



Ajoite (Aluminium, Copper)

Alexandrite (Aluminium)

Aquamarine (Aluminium)

Beryl Types: Aquamarine, Bixbite, Emerald, Goshenite, Heliodor, Morganite (Aluminium)

Black Tourmaline (Aluminium)

Dumortierite (Aluminium)

Emerald (Aluminium)

Garnet Types: Almandine, Hessonite, Rhodolite, Spessartine, Uvarovite (Aluminium)

Iolite (Aluminium)

Kunzite (Aluminium)

Labradorite (Aluminium)

Lepidolite (Aluminium)

Moldavite (Aluminium Oxide)

Moonstone (Aluminium)

Morganite (Aluminium)

Prehnite (Aluminium)

Ruby (Aluminium)

Sapphire (Aluminium)

Sodalite (Aluminium)

Spinel (Aluminium)

Spodumene / Kunzite (Aluminium)

Staurolite (Aluminium)

Stilbite (Aluminium)

Sugilite (Aluminium)

Sunstone (Aluminium)

Tanzanite (Aluminium)

Topaz (Aluminium)

Tourmaline (Aluminium)

Turquoise (Aluminium, Copper)

Variscite (Aluminium)

Vesuvianite (Aluminium)

Wavellite (Aluminium)

Zoisite (Aluminium)



Adamite (Arsenic, Copper)

Arsenopyrite (Iron Arsenic Sulphide)

Erythrite (Arsenic)

Hutchinsonite (Arsenic, Lead, Thallium)

Mohawkite (Arsenic, Copper)

Olivenite (Copper Arsenate)

Orpiment (Arsenic, Sulphur)

Realgar (Arsenic, Sulphur)

Scorodite (Hydrated Iron Arsenate)



Asbestos Chrysotile (Asbestos)

Actinolite (Asbestos)

Amphibolite (Asbestos)

Pietersite (Asbestos in fibrous form)

Serpentine (Asbestos in fibrous form)

Tremolite (Asbestos)



Adamite (Arsenic, Copper)

Ajoite (Aluminium, Copper)

Amazonite (Copper)

Atacamite (Copper)

Auricalcite (Copper, Zinc)

Azurite (Copper)

Azurite Malachite (Copper)

Azurite Malachite Chrysocolla / Eilat Stone (Copper)

Bronchantite (Copper)

Cavansite (Copper)

Chalcanthite (Copper, Sulphur)

Chalcopyrite / Peacock Ore (Copper, Sulphur)

Chrysocolla (Copper)

Conicalcite (Copper)

Covellite (Copper, Sulphur)

Cuprite (Copper)

Dioptase (Copper)

Gem Silica (Copper)

Limonite (Copper)

Malachite (Copper)

Mohawkite (Arsenic, Copper)

Olivenite (Copper Arsenate)

Smithsonite (Copper)

Turquoise (Aluminium, Copper)



Anglesite (Lead Sulphite)

Cerussite (Lead)

Crocoite (Lead)

Garnierite / Falcondoite (Nickel)

Hutchinsonite (Arsenic, Lead, Thallium)

Stibnite (Antimony aka Kohl, Lead)

Wulfenite (Lead, Molybdenum)



Cinnabar (Mercury Sulphide)

Coloradoite (Mercury, Tellurium)



Garnierite / Falcondoite (Nickel)

Gaspeite (Nickel)

Lemon Chrysoprase (Nickel Magnesite)

Millerite (Nickel Sulphide)



Boji Stones / Moqui Balls (Marcasite, Pyrite, Sulphur)

Lapis Lazuli (Pyrite)

Pyrite (Sulphur)



Boji Stones / Moqui Balls (Marcasite, Pyrite, Sulphur)

Chalcanthite (Copper, Sulphur)

Chalcopyrite / Peacock Ore (Copper, Sulphur)

Cinnabar (Mercury Sulphide)

Covellite (Copper, Sulphur)

Marcasite (Sulphur)

Millerite (Nickel Sulphide)

Pyrite (Sulphur)

Realgar (Arsenic, Sulphur)

Sulphur (Poisonous)



Auricalcite (Copper, Zinc)

Boji Stones / Moqui Balls (Marcasite, Pyrite, Sulphur)

Celestite (Strontium)

Coloradoite (Mercury, Tellurium)

Eclipse Stone (Limestone, Orpiment)

Fluorite (Fluorine)

Hutchinsonite (Arsenic, Lead, Thallium)

Psiomelan (Barium)

Torbernite (Uranium)

Vanadinite (Vanadium)

Wulfenite (Lead, Molybdenum)

Zircon (Zirconium)


Sources:, Hibiscus Moon, Wikipedia, Gienger/Goebel

Image Credit: Rainbow Amphibolite - Strekeisen / CC BY-SA (

© Soulmate Crystals