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Seraphinite is a rare deep green crystal featuring chatoyant silvery mica fibres which form in feathery patterns. It is a grounding, cleansing, high vibration healing stone known to assist spiritual enlightenment and connection with the divine feminine, nature spirits and angels. Use Seraphinite for expanded awareness and to unblock and release outdated emotional patterns for deeper soul alignment.

You will receive one Seraphinite Tumbled Stone Small-Medium from the lot pictured size approximately 14-18mm. This is a high-grade Seraphinite that is beautifully polished and full of feathery inclusions. Due to its rarity and limited supply, only a small amount of quality Seraphinite is available. Certainly an investment crystal to be cherished.

Seraphinite is derived from seraphim meaning angelic winged being. It is a rare form of chlinochlore, a chloride mineral found only in Siberia.